Leadership Council for Human Rights

~ Feet in the mud, head in the sky ~

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Iraqi civilian death toll on rise despite bolstered U.S. military presence

A 15-page report released on Monday by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon stated that even with the increased U.S. military presence, progress in Iraq has been “slower than had been hoped for” and civilian deaths continue to rise, The Washington Post reported today.

The higher death toll is the result of an increase in insurgent activity. The United Nations has been forced to move its operations deeper within the U.S. Green Zone in order to ensure staff safety. The push to remove insurgents from Baghdad has been somewhat successful, but insurgent activity is on the rise in other parts or Iraq.

“Despite the initial success of stepped-up security measures in recent months, the situation in Iraq remains precarious. Insurgent attacks persist and civilian casualties continue to mount,” Ban wrote. He also expressed concern over the growing number of detainees that are being held as a result of the new security measures. Iraq has granted the U.N. permission to visit the detention centers this month.

For the full article, click here.

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