Leadership Council for Human Rights

~ Feet in the mud, head in the sky ~

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Kirkuk bishop’s recommendations for peace

The observations of Monsignor Louis Sako, Chaldean Archbishop of Kirkuk, on the changes in Kirkuk, Iraq since the onset of the war were highlighted Tuesday on AsiaNews.it. Sako noted that there have been many positive developments as a result of the U.S. invasion, including: greater freedom of expression and freedom to vote, the establishment of city councils and a national parliament, a new constitution, 25 percent representation of women in parliament, increased numbers of political parties, advances in technology, and a new justice system.

However, there have also been some devastating setbacks, including terrorism, lack of security, rampant unemployment, mass emmigration, and fear of what the future holds, Sako said

The archbishop believes that a solution can still be reached, just not through military action. “Peace cannot be brought about by war. War is always something bad and costs money, lives and time. Iraqi men and women have lost patience. The conflict has broken their trust and relationships. The current security strategy won't help a lot,” Sako says.

Rather, he says that a solution will be reached only through “peaceful and civilized dialogue,” and that such a solution must allow for: reconciliation at all levels of society (except for convicted criminals); a strong central government in Baghdad with effective branches in each province; economic reconstruction through investment and coordination; the promotion of peace by religious leaders through media outlets; and the involvement and support of the international community and neighboring countries.

For the full article, click here.


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