Leadership Council for Human Rights

~ Feet in the mud, head in the sky ~

Friday, February 02, 2007

Cooperative action needed in Middle East

At this decisive time in Iraq Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), in Washington Post op-ed on Tuesday, discusses the importance of the Bush administration recasting and adjusting its broader strategy in Iraq to fit current political realities. According to Lugar, the debate on Iraq has reached new heights in the last few weeks and maybe it is time for the administration to consider a Plan B in Iraq to alleviate the escalating suffering, restore stability, and secure vital U.S. interests in the near future.

Lugar writes that the United States now possesses unprecedented – and unequaled – strength and influence. This position comes with unparalleled responsibilities, obligations, and opportunity. At the same time nations throughout the Middle East are trying to find their footing as regional power balances are shifting in unpredictable ways. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the Gulf states and others have become increasingly anxious about Iran’s behavior and thus more open to negotiate with the U.S. Consequently, Lugar considers this to be a good opportunity for the U.S. to invest time and resources in building relationships with our Arab friends that would go towards “promoting reconciliation within Iraq, preventing oil price spikes, splitting Syria from Iran and demonstrating a more united front against terrorism.”

For full story, click here.


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