Leadership Council for Human Rights

~ Feet in the mud, head in the sky ~

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ban Ki-moon and the UN's role in safeguarding human rights

One issue for which the United Nations has come under constant criticism is the organization’s near ineptitude in enforcing the espousal of human rights by all countries around the world. In this regard, Ban Ki-moon stands to inherit the reform project of the outgoing secretary general, Kofi Annan, to enhance the UN’s moral authority on human rights issues. During his tenure, Annan attempted to revive the virtually defunct Human Rights Commission through establishing a reformed, better funded Human Rights Council, with wider powers and more stringent membership requirements. However, American opposition and political maneuvering by a large proportion of the members of the General Assembly resulted in the adulteration of Annan’s original programmatic vision for the Human Rights Council. It remains to be seen whether Ban Ki-moon will be able to step up his influence as secretary general in order to compel states to adhere to their human rights responsibilities.

For full article, click here.


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