Leadership Council for Human Rights

~ Feet in the mud, head in the sky ~

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Abused Women Fear Leaving Home

February 16, 2006
Cairo –
The Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women’s (ADEW) "House of Eve,” a new shelter for domestic abuse victims is disappointed to report that it is not housing any women yet, Reuters and IRIN reported.

According to the report, a majority of the Egyptian women surveyed in a government study said a husband had the right to beat his wife if she talked to him disrespectfully, talked to another man, spent too much money or refused her husband sex. Women are beaten by their husbands over very small disagreements, those surveyed reported. Police often overlook such assaults because of a cultural perception that the man has a right to beat his wife.

The fundamental problem is that most women have nowhere to go in the event that they leave their husbands. They face the economic difficulty of supporting themselves and their children, as well as the social stigma of living without a man. Being the first shelter of its kind in Egypt, it has not been an easy start for the staff. To help speed the transition, ADEW has a staff ready to assist women on finding jobs, counseling, literacy classes and legal service. There are some women who come for those services; a step towards ADEW’s goal that soon women will ignore the taboo element and break free from their abusive homes. Click here for the full story.


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